domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Local Style: Jackie

Este es el primer post en el blog en el que muestro a la gente que está a mi alrededor. Jackie es algo así como mi cuñada :) es súper linda y definitivamente tiene mucho estilo! Anoche se la robé a su novio unos minutos y fue mi modelo. 

¿Qué tal? ;)

 Espero seguir con este tipo de posts pronto. ¡Tengo a varias niñas en la mira! haha :P

Pd. No puedo con la lindura de Dana, la sobrinita de mi novio.

¡Buen Domingo a todos!
XO. Lu.

So, this is the first post on my blog showing some of the people that surrounds me. Jackie is kind of my sister in law :) she's super cute and sweet, and she definitely has a lot of style! Last night I took her from her boyfriend for a couple of minutes and turned her into my model.
Doesn't she look great? ;)

I hope to keep up with this kind of posts. I've got some girls in mind already :P

P.S. How lovely is my boyfriend's niece Dana?

Have a nice Sunday!
XO. Lu.

5 comentarios:

  1. Beautiful dress and shoes! You look gorgeous!


  2. Beautiful dress!! Congrats for your first outfit post!!
    Keep going girl! Good luck!


  3. Stunning photograph. That dress is gorgeous love the sparkly top. And that little girl is so adorable!

    I'm having a $100 dollar Shopbop giftcard GIVEAWAY on my blog! Come check it out :) It's open to international bloggers as well.

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  4. Nice Dress !


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